Tachyon Network

Tachyon Network is a network consisting of thousands of decentralized node providers using Tachyon Protocol. Node providers provide traffic for users such as VPN users to get rewards based on their contributions.

North America
South America

Amount of nodes:


Amount of staked IPX:

144,693,748.42506933 IPX

Session rewards:

58,562,652.96739577 IPX

Staking rewards:

58,562,652.96739577 IPX

Tachyon Node Manager 2.0

Target Node Providers: IPX holders who operate servers

Node Manager 2.0 is locally-deployed software built in the form of a web app.

Usefulness: You can submit the wallet address, create & manage your own servers in batches, and get rewards based on the traffic transaction conditions in the market.

Visit Now

Manage servers privately

Please visit:Tachyon Node Manager 1.0


Target Node Providers:IPX holders without technical skills

IPXUS.com is a platform created and operated by the Tachyon community. It uses Node Manager 2.0 to create and manage servers and obtain rewards and leases the revenue rights of the server to community members by means of staking.

Usefulness: The community members do not need to create & manage the server, only need to stake IPX to get rewards.

Receive Rewards

More Partners buliding

Please contact us: [email protected]

Calculator of Tachyon Node Manager 2.0

You can choose different regions and different operators, adjust nodes number and days of staking, and estimate the corresponding staking rewards and session rewards.

Freely adjust and view the results
Node Aws DE-Frankfurt t3.small
Staking per node 20,000 IPX
Nodes number
- +
Days of staking
- +
Your rewards   How to calculate rewards?
Staking amount
Total stake:
Annual Net ROI:
Estimated rewards
Staking rewards: 
Session rewards: 
All results are estimated using yesterday’s data. The estimated rewards are for reference only. Please take the actual rewards as final.
Get Started

What are Node Providers?

Node providers run Tachyon’s backbone infrastructure and allow users to access Tachyon VPN, as well as other services. Node providers receive staking rewards from the network and session rewards from users.

Session rewards work like this:

  • Users request VPN traffic or other services from the DHT router
  • The DHT router finds the best node providers for the user
  • Users pay IPX to node providers in exchange for services
Check the rewards now!

What is session reward?

A session is a 5MB block of traffic. Node Operators choose the price of a session. Nodes earn different levels of session rewards, depending on the price of the session, the total amount of traffic used, and the IPX price. Nodes with the lowest latency, highest bandwidth, and best peering will attract more users and earn more session rewards.

How to calculate session rewards?

1. Assume P is the price of the session that the node provides traffic to the user. P_A(m) is the average price of the m session, P_A(x) is the average price of the x session which your node contributed to.

2. If there are m sessions in the tachyon network, for m from 1 to m.

3. If your node contributed to X sessions,for x from 1 to x.

4. Due to the current testing period of the Staking system, Tachyon VPN has not yet been connected to IPX payment, so the current Session Rewards is subsidized by Tachyon ecology, which is 5% of the current circulating supply every day. The following session Rewards formula is only applicable during the test period.


The more sessions, the more rewards.

The higher the session price, the more rewards.

Calculate your rewards immediately!

What is staking reward?

For the security of the Tachyon Network, each node is required to stake IPX to participate in providing traffic. The system will give IPX Tokens to the node providers.

How to calculate staking rewards?

1. Assume circulating supply inflation rate = 5% for now. It may be adjusted after a period of operation.

2. If there are N staking nodes with staking amount X_n respectively, for n from 1 to N.

3. Assume the Effective Staking amount is [20,000, 200,000], ie no more staking reward for amounts larger than 200,000 on the same node

20,000 < X_n;

no reward on [X_n - 200,000]

4. Total Effective Staking Amount

S = Sum { Y_n = X_n- |X_n-200000|, for n =1 to N }

Where |.| means absolute value.

5. Staking reward for each X_n every day ( needless to pay every day tho)


The more IPX you stake, the more rewards.

The more nodes you operate, the more rewards.

Check your rewards now!

The Roadmap of Tachyon Staking

Tachyon Node Manager 1.3

Add your servers to Tachyon network

Manage your servers


IPX Staking System 1.0

Introduce Platform Partners. Offer an easier way for everyone to join.

IPX Staking System Global Testing begins on ipxus.com.

Participants can receive rewards immediately


IPX Staking System 2.0

Integrate IPX Staking System into Tachyon VPN. Node Providers can start to receive session rewards immediately from global VPN users.

Node Providers can join staking, earn rewards and manage nodes via Node Manager 2.0.

Cooperate with more Platform Partners. Offer more choices to Node Providers.

We are here now

IPX Staking System 3.0

Node Providers can enjoy automatic operation, maintenance and legal assistance system with Node Manager 3.0.

Open the source and offer tools to help Platform Partners run customized staking events easily.

AWS Google Cloud DigitalOcean UpCloud
LocationMachineSessionsSession PriceSession RewardsStaking RewardsTotal RewardsROI
t3.small00.00190.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00%
t3.small00.000.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00%
t3.small00.00180.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00%
HK-Hong Kong
t3.small00.00220.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00%
t3.small00.00180.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00%
t3.small00.00170.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00%
t3.small00.00170.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00%
t3.small00.00180.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00%
t3.small00.00180.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00%
t3.small00.00170.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00%
t3.small00.0020.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00%
t3.small00.0020.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00%
t3.small00.0020.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00%
t3.small00.00190.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00%
t3.small00.00180.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00%
t3.small00.0020.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00%
t3.small00.00180.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00%
BR-Sao Paulo
t3.small00.00240.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00%
t3.small00.00180.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00 IPX0.00%