Internet Libre

based on Tech Trusted by 50 Million Users

based on Tech Trusted by 50 Million Users
Internet Libre
Tachyon Protocol is what nodes and users in the Tachyon network speak to one another. It ensures that traffic moves from place to place privately, securely, and quickly.
Based on Tachyon Protocol, the Next-Gen VPN, IoT, DeFi, Storage, CDN, DNS and other Apps will benefit 900 million users at least.
- Learn more about how Tachyon Protocol works -P2P network without central nodes or companies
Multi-path routing to prevent single-point attacks
Take control of your own privacy
9 tunnels to help you bypass filters and firewalls
Protocol simulation to disguise traffic in transit
Free access to Facebook, Netflix, Spotify and other platforms
90% connection rate in weak, censored networks
95% stability in adversarial environments
200%~1000% faster than other solutions
Node operators earn session rewards when they provide traffic to users.
Session rewards vary based on the price of the session, the amount of traffic used, and the price of IPX.
To ensure the security of the Tachyon Network, all Tachyon nodes must stake IPX.
To encourage network growth, nodes staking IPX earn a 5% per year staking reward.
We’re governed by a DAO.
All users can participate in deciding the future development of Tachyon.